Saturday, November 19, 2011


An abandonment of ego is what one constitutes as love. I can no longer hide, contain, or conceal the way you have propelled my heart in mind into a new direction.

I am on a licentious high be it your near or far. My drug of choice has long hair, caramel skin, and brown eyes, lips that are brilliantly curved and shaped to fit mine. A heart that is undiluted by impurities, a mind that is profoundly keen, and a spirit that my soul feels that it could rest between.

Erotic love, the passion is intense it leads me to a place of absolute submissiveness.

An explosive, concupiscence hunger as I cradled you in my arms with all my strength not with deliberation but with free and irrational want.

Unbridled the feelings are no longer containable…you have successful infiltrated my mind and sense and just like rain. You have cleansed me and created a place of potential growth.

It is my ultimate wish is we continue to see where this goes, as we bask in our delicious hope.

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