Saturday, November 19, 2011

S: Mantra

Fill me up with your essence, thrill me, make me shiver at the mere thought of you in every crevice of my body.
Remind me while the waves of my voice reverberate through the clenched pillow between my teeth.
Penetrate me, immerse me in your sweetness, drown me with juices flowing from your volcanic orifice.
Mold and shape me to your liking, clench then release along the rhythm of my breaths
Force your way into my tightness permeating cells to capacity
Absorb me within your strength, weaken me for your pleasure, release the thunder that stirs within for you only.


Consequences of love soiled mistakes make your reflection in my heart beat clear and crisp with a reverberating thud shaking undiscovered lands. Your riddled heart leaking essence which pools in my lap as my hands fashion c.p.r motions to maintain it’s existence on this this this time = our own.


What I have for you is a clinging, gasping, want.

What I have for you is passion that consumes you, as I tantalize and haunt your senses.

Give me control, stop…now… listen to my commands, close your eyes and I will start off slow.

Grip onto my back while we dive into each others flesh, minds and soul.

Bringing you to the brink of submission, no need for commercialized fantasies.

Like you and me on the edge of the kitchen sink.

No, what I have for you will require a little more space; I want to have all the room I can to spread your limbs to the future and back into time; then back again, while dawn turns into moon.

Victorian romanticism at its best, an idealist of pleasing your body much more than sex. But a union, merger of










Mentally intertwined with the perfections only the God's can construct.

What I have for you will no doubt, make you weak, yet strong, resilient, but faint. You won't have control over yourself…you'll just want, wander, and think of what I have for you.


An abandonment of ego is what one constitutes as love. I can no longer hide, contain, or conceal the way you have propelled my heart in mind into a new direction.

I am on a licentious high be it your near or far. My drug of choice has long hair, caramel skin, and brown eyes, lips that are brilliantly curved and shaped to fit mine. A heart that is undiluted by impurities, a mind that is profoundly keen, and a spirit that my soul feels that it could rest between.

Erotic love, the passion is intense it leads me to a place of absolute submissiveness.

An explosive, concupiscence hunger as I cradled you in my arms with all my strength not with deliberation but with free and irrational want.

Unbridled the feelings are no longer containable…you have successful infiltrated my mind and sense and just like rain. You have cleansed me and created a place of potential growth.

It is my ultimate wish is we continue to see where this goes, as we bask in our delicious hope.


You kiss me and your lips have a sweet hotness, scorching as you dull my senses and heighten my body’s blood flow

A love bit so deep I am at your whim, your demand, your control

Renounced to a curious moth and you the pulsating flame

Your body the perfect shade of brown, you put honey to shame

What you want…

Just say…

I will do…

I will obey…no complaints

We move like trained dancers each position smooth, swift, tight, precise.

Steady we tremble with barley enough strength to embrace


The more I know the more I want to know
What else will you tell me
I read with curiosity hoping you'll show me the way to your heart
If I rush...would you?
If I touch...would you?
I know not what you're looking for
But I see you looking in my direction
Is you're view as clear and breathtaking as mine?
In common we may have much
Yet to learn and understand about each other, we have much more
To take our time is the only time I know
So, when the time is right...
Put your lips to my ear...and speak softly and slow.


Her name rolls of my tongue like silk
Like moth to flame she drew me in
There's a glow about her with a tinge of sadness...vulnerable sweetness
Her eyes and the look she gave oooooooooh!
Cut through me like seeing sand on the oceans floor
I looked away, cause you see truth?
That's hard to face sometimes
And every
burst with it.
"Mira me" her eyes said to me as I pushed forward unwillingly
Not knowing where it would lead / not wanting to be lead
See I've been hurt so bad
Moved clear across the country just to not be near ANYTHING reminiscent of love
...cause it's torture
Now I yearn for the crack of her whip
The sweet sting that affects my being
I know I'll be o.k..
As soon as I utter her name..._______