Saturday, November 19, 2011


Her name rolls of my tongue like silk
Like moth to flame she drew me in
There's a glow about her with a tinge of sadness...vulnerable sweetness
Her eyes and the look she gave oooooooooh!
Cut through me like seeing sand on the oceans floor
I looked away, cause you see truth?
That's hard to face sometimes
And every
burst with it.
"Mira me" her eyes said to me as I pushed forward unwillingly
Not knowing where it would lead / not wanting to be lead
See I've been hurt so bad
Moved clear across the country just to not be near ANYTHING reminiscent of love
...cause it's torture
Now I yearn for the crack of her whip
The sweet sting that affects my being
I know I'll be o.k..
As soon as I utter her name..._______

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