Monday, October 24, 2011

S: Consequence

Consequences of love soiled mistakes make your reflection in my heart beat clear and crisp with a reverberating thud shaking undiscovered lands.
Your riddled heart leaking essence which pools in my lap as my hands fashion c.p.r motions to maintain it’s existence on this this this time = our own.
Pray not it seeps through my thighs and be a waste as others carelessly step on, abuse and care not for my preciosa; one woman’s trash…
Relentlessly longing the shivers I know will come when your breath caresses my flesh..then black.
Immersed completely in your spirit as you penetrate all that is Verina and conquer a war which was as unmoving as flicking a switch.
Aqua…no other sign can hold truth or compare to the strength and power of that which can be seemingly peaceful with thunderous undercurrent.
Breath escapes my lips and I’m awaken, relieved to be on common plane.

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