Tuesday, October 25, 2011

That which I am..

“I am the Permiable Membrane, if I love you? You can have it all. My money, my time, my body, my dog, my dogs money…lol I will assume your debts and project upon you all sorts of nifty qualities you never actually cultivated in yourself. I will give you all this and more until I am so exhausted and deplete that the only way I can recover, is by becoming infatuated by someone else.” …my absolutely fav line in “Eat Pray Love” only because of all the things I’ve ever heard of love…this most accurately encompasses who I am…a real mutherfucker for love.

Monday, October 24, 2011

R: "She is Love"

If she asked me to
I would walk
To the edge of the earth
And come right back to her....
Without a question
As to why
Because the fact
Of the matter is
I put every bit
Of trust I have
In her word
For she is love...
A gift to me...
Never a curse
If I could reverse
In this love life
Of mine...
I would look past all other mishaps
And request tunnel vision
For my eyes
Seeing her
As always
Loving her
Will never be a task
Never depleted are the emotions
For her...I have
She grabs at my heart strings
Making each beat sing...
Where rhythm was once stagnant
She changes my mood
Without even trying to
Naturally saving me from myself
She's the up to my down
The in's to my out's
She is everything
And without her all I have is doubt
Doubt I'll ever be happy because for she is love I cannot live without.

S: No longer required

There's nothing u need from a woman like me
Unphazed by your actions as I'm your devotee
Pushed aside by thoughts when lust invades space
A nonfactor compared to "she" when in heat I'm replaced
Battle of statuses collide which send me awry
But fear not says my horoscope..give love a last try
She does what she deems right cutting my heart like a serrated knife
But hold on says my horoscope she's your best choice of a wife
My worth depletes constantly with every deep stroke
But with my blind love tatted on my finger now...all I can do is hope.

S: Broken

My heart beats no longer for you, as you've killed it with your lies
Foolishly I try to centre seeking calm, failing miserably with countless tries
She pushed me to the edge and now you've kicked me over "love overboard"
Hate, fear and sadness now contained, you've selfishly done that on your own accord
So now begins a course all too familiar but the pain is far worse indeed it's not similar
Cause I gave all my love to you, sent you my heart and soul neatly packaged and addressed "To My Starr"
If not for my renewed faith in god I would surely slit my wrist
Never again will I love, you took it all so thank you. Signed..

Verina "Stupid Bitch"

S: Bubbling over..

I’ve let snippets burst free when she just moves me but right now? I can’ hold it in, I have to write about it.
Beautiful…it’s as though I’m seeing her in another light. I can gaze into her eyes and just loose myself in them…they’re so wondrous and hypnotic, kind of like the drink; you’ll act a fool having too much of it. I am so very much in love with her that it makes me wonder if I ever was really in love before because it never, not even for a millisecond felt like this. I want to be with her so badly it hurts till I feel sick to my stomach. I cannot wait to be with her, so much so that I’m more than willing to risk my life to get to her. Stupid move but what can I really say to defend myself other than the obvious? I’m in love.

Not like the sappy Lifetime Network movies kinda love; but the in awe, blissful, cloud #90000000000000000, I’ll do anything for her kinda love. Ella es mi vida como nunca y nadie. I’ve told her that she’s my alpha and omega, but I’m sure she’s not gotten the grasp of how much she proves that definition true every second of my life. I want her in my arms so badly, I want to hold her and kiss every fear she’s ever had away, I want to be perfect for her and not fuck this chance I have with her love up. God help me control my feelings when we finally are in each others arms cause I might just burst into a million pieces lol I love _____…oooh goose bumps again lol happens every time I say her name out loud.

Aye dios mio, soy en amor con ella…

S: Consequence

Consequences of love soiled mistakes make your reflection in my heart beat clear and crisp with a reverberating thud shaking undiscovered lands.
Your riddled heart leaking essence which pools in my lap as my hands fashion c.p.r motions to maintain it’s existence on this plane..in this space..in this time = our own.
Pray not it seeps through my thighs and be a waste as others carelessly step on, abuse and care not for my preciosa; one woman’s trash…
Relentlessly longing the shivers I know will come when your breath caresses my flesh..then black.
Immersed completely in your spirit as you penetrate all that is Verina and conquer a war which was as unmoving as flicking a switch.
Aqua…no other sign can hold truth or compare to the strength and power of that which can be seemingly peaceful with thunderous undercurrent.
Breath escapes my lips and I’m awaken, relieved to be on common plane.

S: Mierda..

These putas don’t know who they fucking with. I’d do anything for my chick, don’t mind I’m her bitch.
I’ll carry a shaft lest my hand slips; again these putas don’t know who they fucking with.
The rules of my game? Easy come easy go, if you’re smart I trust you’ll follow.
I’ve been known to cut and slash, making sure your red and white count makes a splash.
“Crazy Latina” is an understatement, test the notion and hear your cerebral hit the pavement.
So big ups to all the bad chicks reppin their wife and to all the bitch wannabe’s, miss a step and I’ll take your life.